Jun 2015 |
Agreement on cooperation is signed with THE INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH IN THE DRY AREAS (ICARDA). Project title: Evaluating the effect of conjunctive use of canal and drainage water, different cropping patterns, and improved irrigation practices on control of salinity and waterlogging and delineate most efficient water management and agronomic practices. The project is ongoing.
Jun 2015 |
Agreement with Michael Succow Foundation for the Protection of Nature (Germany) from June 30 от 30 июня 2015 года, № 2014.9859.1 on implementation of the activities in the framework of the project on protection of nature, forest ecosystem management and intensification/strengthening of ecological capacities of river basin territories. The project is ongoing.
Jul 2015 |
Agreement on cooperation is signed with THE INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH IN THE DRY AREAS (ICARDA) on implementation of research on Integrated Land and Water Productivity Improvement in Aral Sea Basin/ The project is under realization.
Avg 2015 |
Within the frame of UN Joint Program for “SUSTAINING LIVELIHOODS AFFECTED BY THE ARAL SEA DISASTER” 202 UZB400.2, under the direct supervision of UNESCO Head (Tashkent Representative office) NGO KRASS in close collaboration with the Urgench State University named after Al-Khorezmi conducted seminars on sustainable development for teachers of the lyceums and colleges from three regions of Karakalpakstan Beruni, Turtkul, Ellikkala . 3 trainings have been conducted, total number of participants 68.
Aug 2015 |
Agreement on cooperation is signed with THE INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH IN THE DRY AREAS (ICARDA) on implementation of research on determining optimum water and nutrients leaching requirements for the saline areas of Khorezm, Uzbekistan. The project is ongoing.
Sep 2015 |
Agreement on cooperation is signed with THE INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH IN THE DRY AREAS (ICARDA) on implementation of research on evaluation and demonstration of high yelding winter wheat varieties. The project is ongoing.